

DAGE 4000W Wafer Handling System


The Nordson DAGE 4000W system enables the industry standard 4000 multipurpose bondtester to interface with an industry standard wafer handler system. This wafer handling system provides automatic loading from the cassette, bump testing (shear or pull), and then unloading of the six or eight inch wafers.

The Nordson DAGE 4000W Wafer Handling System provides significant advantages:

? Overcomes the need for manual handling of expensive bumped wafers
? Overcomes the need for operator control of loadtool to bump alignment
? Increased throughput of bump testing

Key Features

? Semi-automatic handling of wafers from cassette to bondtester
? Semi-automatic bump shear testing
? Semi-automatic transfer of tested wafer back to cassette
? Wafer orientation and safety interlocks
? Automatic cassette scan to check location of wafers and the presence of any cross slotted wafers
? Automated bump shear routines (no camera system needed)
? 240mm joystick controlled precision XY stage